Etienne Clairemont

Thaumaturge, adventurer and leader of the Tangled Boughs.
Balmung server, Crystal DC.

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
- Oscar Wilde

About Etienne Clairemont

  • AGE: "29" (34)

  • RACE: Duskwight Elezen.

  • GENDER: Nonbinary, mostly femme, mysterious.

  • PRONOUNS: they/them

  • SEXUALITY: Omnisexual/monogamous

  • MARITAL STATUS: In relationship.

  • FAMILY: Adi Lamoureaux, younger half-brother.

  • HOME: Currently splits their time between Ishgard and the Black Shroud.

  • RELIGION: Raised in the Ishgard Orthodox Church, now worships Nald'thal and pays tribute to Menphina.

  • JOB: Freelance adventurer and mage, more motivated by doing good than gaining capitol. Specializes in custom spellcraft and information retrieval. Leader of the Tangled Boughs Free Company, based out of the Black Shroud. Former counselor for Ashen Enclave's free clinic.

  • PART TIME JOBS: Works just enough for Arrzaneth Ossuary to stay on their books, seasonal worker at the Gold Saucer.

  • OTHER SKILLS: Styling, fashion, beauty and modeling; amateur poetry; event planning; nightlife.

  • HOBBIES: Reading, travel, shopping, dance, singing, fishing, fight clubs, gossip, fine dining, drinking.

Etienne Clairemont at a Glance

"am i a boy? am i a girl? who knows!! but everyone finds me hot and that makes everyone gay"
- Tumblr user fyawn, 2014

  • HAIR COLOR: Silvery-mauve with pinkish highlights (somehow natural).

  • EYE COLOR: Pink.

  • HEIGHT: About 6'4'', give or take a few ilms in heels.

  • BUILD: Deceptively solid and athletic.

  • BUST SIZE: Do you value your life?

  • TATTOOS: One side of Nald'thal's scales on each wrist - the right wrist is wrapped in pink-tinged white asphodels, the left is wrapped in pale purple mallow flowers. On the nape of their neck, a design of a sun surrounded by Fire King lilies and flames.

  • AETHERIC IMPRESSION: Powerful and controlled, Etienne's spellcasting is often influenced by their emotional state, but not chaotic. If anything, they're a little tightly wound.

Etienne walks with practiced, precise grace, as if they are balancing a book on their head. Their words, like their movements, are carefully considered. They speak with a calm, pleasant demeanor in a lower register, with an accent that speaks to Ishgard, culture, and education. Manners are Etienne's first weapon. Their second weapon is sharp wit, their third is magic: if they start casting a spell, negotiation has failed.Etienne typically dresses in pinks and purples. Though their fashion runs an androgynous gamut, they slightly favor more feminine styles. Etienne thinks of their style as sweet and elegant with a dark edge. They are never seen in public without a full face of makeup, proper earrings and accessories, and high-heeled boots. They currently keep their hair in a pixie style with long bangs, though they sometimes use glamour prisms and extensions for a longer style. Etienne favors black lipstick, heavy eyeliner and shadow, and black nail polish.Unsurprising of someone who grew up in chilly Ishgard, Etienne is not particularly affectionate save for those they cherish deeply. They consider it a show of care to remember others' names, only using nicknames when prompted to, and often use the appendage "Miss" for feminine folk for whom they feel a fondness... though this can also be used in a condescending manner. Etienne cares very little for certain shows of masculine bravado, and usually lets this show if they care to notice them at all.Etienne maintains a polite but affable distance at first, though they often make efforts to be genuinely kind. A keenly observant, suspicious person may notice their social acuity, their tendency to subtly push buttons and stir the pot and draw conclusions from there. However, it is just as easy to read their demeanor as merely sweet, or vacuous but well-mannered. In friendly company, Etienne may tell tall tales or lie as a joke just to see what they can get away with.A seasoned mage, Etienne is almost never rattled. On rare occasion, overindulgence in certain pleasures - alcohol and tobacco - usually indicates anxiety. Etienne also has a petty, competitive streak that rears its head during challenging spars.Etienne’s thaumaturgy is influenced by their study of dance and bardic arts, utilizing their entire body and their staff as a weapon in unorthodox ways. They are powerful, always pushing themselves to their physical and aetherial limit.Etienne seeks beauty in their spellcasting, viewing it as an artistic performance. They take great pride in their creativity and skill but tend to show off. When they call themselves vain, they are only half-joking: they enjoy attention and admiration for their accomplishments. One might wonder if they are motivated only by their desire to be adored.

Plot Hooks

Open to All

  • AID: Etienne is an accomplished mage with further connections to other powerful adventurers. Etienne’s Free Company was founded on the hope of providing help to those not served by the City States. Whether it’s destroying rogue Garlean tech, calming strange creatures or ghosts, undoing a curse or hunting down a rampaging monster, Etienne and the Tangled Boughs may be able to help.

  • COUNSEL: Etienne spent several years working as a counselor for the charitable Free Company known as Ashen Enclave, which rain a free and open clinic, and several free sexual education seminars. While they consider this past behind them, they give pretty good advice and still have connections to resources to help folks who might want aid in gender transition.

  • ISHGARD: Etienne lived in Ishgard until shortly after the end of the Dragonsong War, and they are happy to bond with other Ishgardians over their shared trauma. They are cynical and distrustful toward nobility and clergy, and get along best with others who share those sentiments.

  • UL’DAH: Though Etienne is no longer a regular face at Arrzaneth Ossuary, they trained there and still undertake missions from them now and volunteer to provide funerary services for those who cannot pay. They also work part-time at the Gold Saucer during the “Make It Rain” festival season for gil on the side. Have you met them before, did you train together, work together?

Please Inquire

Etienne has ongoing plots involving the legacy of their adoptive mother, Claudinette Clairemont, the last of a disgraced and financially ruined noblehouse; the seedy underbelly of the Brume; and their connection to their birth family, a group of powerful Duskwight mages still closely connected to their Gelmorran Roots.If you are interested, please inquire. Preference is given to players I've RPed with before.

Social Media

Titania!Etienne art by Dani Russo (snarksonomy).

Discord available upon request.

Out-of-Character Info

Role-Playing Preferences

  • AVAILABILITY: Most evenings after 6pm PST save Wednesdays.

  • SEEKING: Character-building slice-of-life and venue RP, combat, mystery, supernatural, horror, parties, games.

  • PRE-SCHEDULED RP: Preferred.

  • SPONTANEOUS RP: With friends.

  • RP LOCATIONS: Anywhere in Eorzea within reason.

  • IN-GAME RP: Preferred.

  • DISCORD RP: For small scenes with friends.

  • GOOGLE DOC RP: With friends.

  • ROLL 20 RP: Possibly, open to it.

  • MATURE RP: Preferred.

  • DICE AND COMBAT SYSTEMS: Happy to learn, but I'm occasionally slow on the uptake.

  • SHIPPING: Not on this character.

  • ERP: Not on this character.


Role-Playing Expectations

  • PLEASE BE AN ADULT: YOU MUST BE OVER 18 TO PLAY WITH ME. This is non-negotiable, I only want to play with adults. I prefer my RP connections to be adult professionals with a few years of experience RPing. I also expect reasonable, mature behavior from my fellow RPers.

  • PLEASE BE TIMELY: If we have RP scheduled, please try and be on time. I don't really care if people are a few minutes late, RL happens, but if it's more than 20 minutes or so please let me know. If you stand me up for a scene without an explanation I'll probably drop you. Same goes if you're frequently very late or frequently reschedule.

  • PLEASE BE FAIR: No one wants to be the "loser" of a scene. Remember that my character is a person too, they're not just here to react or comfort or otherwise prop up your character. Let's make sure both of our characters feel as if their contributions are important.

  • PLEASE CONSIDER THE CONSEQUENCES: The addage IC actions = IC consequences hold true. If your character is rude and offensive, aggressive or otherwise disruptive, my character will respond and form opinions accordingly. Most negative interactions cannot be walked back with a justified explanation after the fact - my characters tend to be rather principled on that matter. Also, while things can always come up spontaneously, if the scene suddenly shifts in tone from what we discussed, that may be cause for OOC discussion.

About Me

My cat, Mica.
  • NAME: I go by Eti in the FFXIV community.

  • AGE: Pushing 40.

  • PRONOUNS: they/them

  • LOCATION/TIMEZONE: USA, Pacific Northwest/Pacific Standard Time (PST)

  • RP EXPERIENCE: I've been RPing online since I was in my early teens. I've been part of the Balmung community since 2016.

  • LIKES: DnD, concerts, ren faires, anime, poetry, cats, alternative fashion, marine life.

  • DISLIKES: allergies, jokes about Balmung and kicking lalafell, edgelords.

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